Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Parental Help

How to help your child

We encourage parental involvement in all aspects of school life. We currently run phonics sessions in Reception where you can come along and learn how your child learns to read. We also run parent workshops where you can come and have a one to one session with your child, and one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants, in which you can see how your child is taught at school and learn how best to support them at home.

If you are unable to make any school sessions - take a look at some of our parental help documents below:

Parent Opportunities at Brooklands

  • Volunteer on School Trips 

We always welcome parental help on trips - just keep an eye out for letters that will be coming home via your child's class teacher. 



Volunteer to run an extra-curricular club

If you are also interested in running an extra-curricular club after school from 15:30-16:30pm please let either Mr. Webb or the office staff know.