Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Brooklands Primary School aims to provide a creative, inclusive and challenging curriculum that inspires future thinkers, innovators and problem solvers. We provide rich and varied contexts for pupils to acquire, develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills. Doing so enables our pupils to think creatively, critically and to solve problems. Well-being and character development is implicit in all we do and through a highly inclusive environment, all pupils are taught to aim high and reach their potential.

Through our curriculum we aim to:

1) Develop depth of understanding

2) Ensure progression and readiness for the next stage of education

3) Ensure pupils know more and remember more 


  • is based on the National Curriculum;
  • enhances pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development;
  • promotes fundamental British values which are interlinked with our own school values and permeate all our curriculum;
  • develops a strong literacy and numeracy foundation so that pupils can access all areas of the wider curriculum;
  • prioritises all year groups equally;
  • meets the needs of learners with special educational needs and disabilities;
  • encourages pupils to master skills and deepen knowledge and understanding;
  • prepares pupils for an ever changing, wider world of work;
  • encourages the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom including immersive learning and forest school;
  • looks at how we can use our location to enhance the curriculum through educational visits;
  • aims to ensure pupils develop beyond the academic, to support them building their character supported by the school’s values- including their resilience, respect, cooperation, creativity and kindness
  • follows a creative approach enabling all pupils to develop and discover their interests and talents
  • looks for opportunities where subjects can be taught in a cross-curricular way and where we can link it to yearly projects and whole school events.

brooklands curriculum design.pdf

Our Curriculum Overview


Along with reading (for more information on how we support reading across the school, please click here), the teaching of writing is a foundation needed in all areas of the curriculum. Our Writing Policy identifies how we teaching writing at Brooklands.


At Brooklands, we follow 'White Rose Maths' with support of the National Centre of Excellence for the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). This approach teaches progressive knowledge and skills in small steps which our teachers teach using concrete resources, pictorial representations through to abstract representation of all maths concepts in a progressive manner. We share our learning with families through Google Classroom where videos are uploaded weekly to support with hybrid learning opportunities.




  • The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced in a way that all children actively participate in the learning.
  • Tasks are ambitious and designed in a way that all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged, enjoy and progress in their learning.
  • Conversations about learning take place during lessons and teachers check learner’s understanding systematically.


  • The curriculum is ambitious and adapted to suit different attainment levels, but expectations are high for all pupils.
  • Teachers identify common misconceptions and clearly model each step so pupils are absolutely clear of the expected outcome they must aspire to achieve.
  • Teachers present subject matter clearly and expect pupils to discuss the subjects taught using the appropriate language linked to each subject taught.

Knowledge of next steps:

  • Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach and provide rigorous feedback to learners which is subject-specific.
  • Teachers identify misconceptions by actively checking pupils’ understanding during the lessons and providing direct feedback.
  • Teachers respond and adapt their teaching to extend pupils’ knowledge during lessons.
  • Teaching is designed to help learners remember the content they have previously been taught through practice and consolidation (long term memory) followed by opportunities to integrate new knowledge in each lesson.

Behaviour management:

  • Teachers and leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviours and apply these expectations consistently and fairly.
  • Poor behaviour is immediately and consistently addressed and all adults, independently of their role, are actively engaged in monitoring and promoting good behaviour.
  • Pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive and relationships between staff and pupils demonstrate a positive and respectful culture.


  • Pupils have access to a wide and full curriculum including a full range of subjects.
  • A variety of pedagogical approaches are used to allow all pupils to develop and discover their own interests and talents.
  • Pupils have access to a variety of broad experiences, including the use of outside space and environments beyond the classrooms.
  • Teaching is designed to give pupils opportunities to work in a variety of ways: independently and collaboratively.


  • Teachers and leaders are committed to provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils.
  • Teachers and leaders are committed to develop learners’ confidence and enjoyment of reading across all the curriculum.
  • There is a consistent and committed approach to equip all pupils to be cooperative, kind, respectful, resilient and creative in accordance with the school’s values.
  • Teachers and leaders are committed to improving their pedagogical and subject knowledge over time, and to use evidence based research to support their practice.